The winter season is in full storm; the holidays are over and January always comes a little quicker than expected. The new year can feel like time for a fresh start, but it’s also a little daunting trying to flip your life around and eat well, work out and get clear skin all by January 5th—ammiright?
I feel like every January I make a promise to myself to follow my resolutions, take better care of my body and increase my self-care moments. Well, 2019 is going to be that year (fingers crossed) and we’re jumping on the self-care train!
Dedicating time for yourself doesn’t have to be a big deal either. It can be as easy as a simple morning or night self-care routine, adding one work out to your schedule or hitting snooze on the weekends. Today I am sharing my favorite self-care routines. These are resolutions that will help you feel more balanced and rejuvenated for the rest of winter. Enjoy! xo
Resolution 1

A good skin care routine is my #1 self care resolution. Over the holidays I was eating sweets and drinking, and in addition to the harsh weather, my skin was in bad shape. Dedicating 15-30 minutes a day to a skin care routine can boost both your skin and spirits. My simple routine is: cleanse, exfoliate and moisturize. I try and do a mask once a week and I swear by my exfoliating brush.
Resolution 2

Eat well to feel well, right? And that doesn’t mean pizza and sweets, start cooking for yourself and meal prepping. At the beginning of each week find healthy recipes on Pinterest or food blogs and try them out. One my best friends, and favorite food bloggers, Gourmet Gab is a serious genius in the kitchen. She creates healthy, easy and fun recipes, plus created downloadable meal prep guides! We’re currently doing Whole30 together, so if you’re looking for a way to really kick off the new year with a bang, join us! She’s sharing all the details on her blog.
Resolution 3

My third self-care resolution is SLEEP! This time of year in particular our sleep schedules are totally off. The professionals say we need eight hours of sleep, which may seem impossible, especially with my schedule, but it’s really not. Get off your phone 30 minutes before bed, try to avoid alcohol or super heavy food before bed, and I also suggest scheduling in your bedtime into your calendar.
Resolution 4

My fourth self-care routine is to get active. We tend to be sluggish during the winter, and let’s face it—swim season is still a few months off. Walk around your favorite park, take the stairs instead of the elevator or sign up for a gym. Whether you’re a class gal, free weights or a runner, at least 30 minutes of active movement will help you sleep better, want to eat better and give you more energy.
Resolution 5

My fifth and final self-care routine is meditation. This is probably one of the simplest self-care routines, and one of my goals for 2019. If you’re also a newbie, I recommend downloading an app. There are plenty that will guide you through a simple 20 minute meditation. Meditating is the ultimate way to give yourself a little love and find your balance.