You Cannot Weigh Beauty


You cannot weigh health, beauty, value, intelligence, kindness, love, worth, success. Last month I was connected with an amazing organization and I’m so excited to share it with you – Ophelia’s Place empowers individuals, families and communities impacted by eating disorders, disordered eating, and body dissatisfaction. From there, Circles of Change was created to change the conversation of body shaming through clothing and jewelry. I am so honored to have been asked by these organizations to help them celebrate positive body image through fashion on the blog today. Circles of Change gifted me this shirt and I can’t get enough of the encouraging words.

Growing up, and even now, I have struggled with body image issues. I thought something was wrong with me during middle school and high school because I had a more “curvier” figure than my sister and mom – I have a Mexican booty and hips and there’s no denying that – but it wasn’t that I was fat, unhealthy or harming my body intentionally, it was that I was emotionally abusive to my body. I would convince myself that I wasn’t pretty or worthy because my thighs touched or love handles would appear near the holidays. In college my routines changed drastically and I gained around 20 pounds; my body confidence hit an all time low and I stopped wearing anything form-fitting. And that takes us to today, I’m still struggling with my body confidence and attempting to be more healthy (but let’s face it, I still will choose a donut over a carrot any day) but I also realize that I AM successful, worthy, and I am beautiful, despite what I think of my body in the mirror. My confidence has fluctuated so much in college but I am finally now getting it back and I loved the message that Circles of Change has given me, and to you as well. Despite harsh media, fat or skinny shaming, weird body trends, or whatever other crap we see on a daily basis, it does NOT define our worth. I know each of my girlfriends have struggled with body issues, some to even the extent of eating disorders, and it’s up to us to band together and shut out the negativity to create a positive environment to provide encouragement, support, and change the conversation about eating disorders and body issues because it’s not just a switch you can turn on and off, it’s a real issue and each woman has their own battle their dealing with.

I encourage you, whether you’ve dealt with an eating disorder, body dissatisfaction or know someone who has, join the conversation and support Circles of Change, let’s stop the body shaming and focus on our value, health and beauty instead. xo






Shirt (c/o Circles of Change) | Pants (TJMaxx) | Sandals (Charlotte Russe) | Bag (Savers) | Hat (Old Navy) | Necklace (c/o Rocksbox)

Post in collaboration with Circles of Change
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