How to Stay Organized With a Remote Internship

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Remote internships are slowly becoming the new normal for a lot of people. For many students, interning remotely is unique and different, but it’s also exciting and promising.

Here are a few tips on how to stay organized and get the most out of your remote internship.

Being Prepared

Being prepared for any internship is key! It is crucial to have a dedicated workspace free of distractions. Having a clean, quiet workspace with your chargers, laptop, and planner is very important for setting yourself up for success. This should be a place where you feel comfortable, productive, and ready to work.


Staying organized during a remote internship is extremely important, and this includes staying on top of all your deadlines, meetings, and projects. One way to keep on top of all your responsibilities is to have a planner, notepad, or an app to help you stay on track.

Make sure to write down all the projects you’ve completed during your remote internship. This will help when adding your internship experience to your resume.

Stay Connected and Communicate

Communication is a must for any work setting you’re in, but especially in remote internships where you don’t have that face-to-face interaction. Make sure to keep your supervisors informed on assignments and what tasks you’ve completed by the end of the day.

Remember, communication is not a one-way street; you should always express any concerns or questions you have. Your supervisors will be there to help you and answer any questions you might have.

Dressing for the Occassion

Even if you are not in a traditional office, making an effort to dress professionally will help you stay motivated and get into a work mindset. A big part of feeling like you’re at an office is dressing like you’re at an office. When waking up in the morning, maybe consider trying out a blouse instead of a T-shirt, or dress pants instead of your jeans. You’ll feel a lot more professional and ready to work that way.

Be Timely

When working virtually, it’s easy to ignore messages, calls, or emails, but you need to stay up-to-date and meet deadlines. Use your calendar to keep track of this. Being responsive demonstrates dedication and will come in handy for any future jobs.

Remote internships can be a big change from the typical in-office culture, but planning and staying organized will help you with structure and being the best intern you can be. I hope these tips help you stay driven and organized!



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