Day 3: A Healthy Holiday

The dreaded battle every holiday season: to eat the cookie or to not eat the cookie.

The cookie always wins.

You can read  almost any health blog and they will all tell you about healthy recipes and ab crunching exercises to help you “survive” this holiday season. But let’s be real, this is a fashion blog- we like clothes, not cardio. I do believe although that there is more to surviving the madness of the holiday season than buying the perfect gift or only eating from the veggie tray at your office party.


Just say “no”
Whether its the 3rd slice of cake, girl’s cocktail night or the never-ending family dinner, just say “no”. Take this month to make sure to keep balance between work, play and you time. In between the craziness, sometimes its nice to just spend a night by yourself, or with a loved one and do a whole lot of nothing. Relax and rejuvenate.


Plan ahead
Plan. Ahead. If you’re about to embark on a shopping spree for presents, study for a final or attend a slew of holiday parties make sure to plan ahead, schedule times and give yourself deadlines. Your life will become less hectic if you plan mini goals throughout your day versus a daunting to-do list for the month.

Keep motivated
Although the month is stressful, stay inspired by setting goals, stay true to your commitments and trust in your gut. Find motivational quotes on Pinterest or google to help remind you of how blessed you are.


Yes I know I just contradicted myself by bringing up exercise but keep moving to build up stamina, and remain healthy. If this includes speed walking on your holiday shopping trip at the mall, doing small quick exercises at home during studying or meditation at the end of a stressful day, keeping your brain and body alert is a way to help you kick stress in the butt!

The holidays can bring out the grinch in some people but you’ll feel better at the end of the day if you do small acts of service. Volunteer at a food bank, donate leftover meals to a shelter, sign up for Shriner’s clothe a child or donate your time to help someone in need this holiday season.


This is by far my favorite. Take the time out of your hectic life and really just enjoy this Christmas season. Take pictures, build memories and remember, the holidays is such a short period of time so don’t let it get the best of you.


Happy Healthy Holidays!

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